What to Do When the Wheels Fall Off

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Emergency preparedness is a serious responsibility.

2020 taught us all that the unthinkable can happen in the blink of an eye. When it comes to your business, you have a responsibility to your clients, your family, and your employees or contractors to be prepared for an emergency - whether it’s a death in the family, an illness, an evacuation, or anything else that suddenly takes you away from your work. 

In this episode, Tiffany tells us the story of how she weathered the perfect storm of evacuating from a devastating wildfire in the Santa Cruz Mountains of California during the Summer of 2020. While in the midst of a global pandemic, two weeks away from escrow closing on their house, with half of their belongings in boxes, trying to organize a move 8 hours south, hold down their jobs, and launch The Kenza Collective, a massive wildfire broke out and threatened to completely change the course of their lives. 

Tiffany takes us through all of the emergency prep that saved her sanity (and her business), as well as the prep she wished she would have done for both her life as a parent and a busy freelancer. We also have a handy dandy (and FREE) checklist that you can use today to start planning for your future peace of mind should the wheels fall off. 

We’ve all heard the sage advice to “expect the best but plan for the worst,” and Kenza Collective is here to guide you on how to tailor that advice for your family and business. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from someone else’s real-life experience, and make sure that your business is prepared for whatever life throws at you.


Links & Resources Mentioned in this episode:


So ya wanna be a… Human Resources Consultant


So Ya Wanna Be A… Landscape Designer with Liz Ryan