Proposal to Paycheck Part II: Emotionally Intelligent Client Management

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Every relationship deserves to be nurtured.

In Part II of our Proposal to Paycheck series, Tiffany distills years of project and client management expertise into her “Like, Know, Trust” relationship management method, and tells us why you should be applying it to your client relationships today. These pro tips rely on using emotional intelligence to deepen your relationships in a way that not only makes you a better, sharper freelancer, but can also lead to more business and projects down the road. Tune in and learn yet another way you can stand out from the crowd in the freelancing world and be even more stellar at what you do.

Be sure to subscribe to the Kenza Pod for the upcoming Part III in the Proposal to Paycheck series, where we cover how and when to wrap projects, and how you can identify opportunities to pitch the next project to your clients. Thanks for listening, and feel free to let us know which freelancing topics you want to learn more about at


In this episode, we cover:

  • How and why you should connect with your clients on a deeper level, and how this leads to increased business and referrals

  • How to get your client to LIKE you: Tips on ways you can make yourself more appealing without being ingratiating.

  • How to better KNOW your client, and let them know you: What it means to set boundaries and expectations for working together, and why this framework is valuable.

  • What TRUST looks like in a client relationship: The value of being trusted by a client and the benefit of positioning yourself as the trusted expert on a project.

Links & Resources Mentioned in this episode: 

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Proposal to Paycheck Part III: How to End One Project and Pitch the Next


Proposal to Paycheck Part I: Using the Discovery Call to Craft a Watertight Proposal